Using Windows Terminal command line for Security Group and Secure Folder operations

You can use the Windows Terminal command line (CLI) to perform the following actions:

Create a Security Group

  1. Run "atakama secgroup create --name <name>” command  replacing <name> with a specific Security Group name.

  2. Run "atakama secgroup list" command to confirm the new Security Group was created.

Create a Secure Folder

  1. Run "atakama secgroup list" to obtain the hexadecimal string for the "Personal" Security Group or any other existing Security Group.

  2. Run "atakama secfolder create --sg <hexadecimal> --vault-path <vfs_path> --backend-path <bed_path>"
    Replace <hexadecimal> with the hexadecimal string from step 1, the <vfs_path> is the name of the folder inside the
     Atakama Vault, and the <bed_path> is the backend storage location.

  3. Approve the mobile MofNop.

Joining a Secure Folder via CLI
Joining a network Secure Folder:

Run the  "atakama secfolder join --vault-path <vfs_path> --backend-path <bed_path>" command.

  • Replace <vfs_path> with the folder name that will be used in the Atakama Vault.
  • Replace <bed_path> with the network path of the Secure Folder.

Note: a relative path can be used for backend location.

Joining a cloud Secure Folder:

Note: This action requires having previously logged into the cloud provider via Atakama's Control Center.

  • Run the  "atakama cloud list-accounts" command.

  • [For OneDrive Only] Run the "atakama cloud list-namespaces <AccountID>" command.

    • Replace <AccountID> with the accountID found in step 1.
  • Run the "atakama sf join-via-cloud --cloud-path [cloud] --vault-path [vfs] --backend-path [backend]" command.

  • Replace <vfs_path> with the folder name that will be used in the Atakama Vault.

  • Replace <namespace>:/<folder> with the namespace and folder info found in step 1.

Note : a relative path can be used for the backend location.

Connect a local Secure Folder to a cloud sync folder:

  1. Run the “atakama cloud list-accounts" command.

  2. Run the  "atakama secfolder connect-to-cloud --vault-path <vfs_path> --cloud-account <account_ID> --cloud-path <namespace>:/<folder>" command.

  • Replace <vfs_path> with the folder name that will be used in the Atakama Vault.

  • Replace <account_ID> with the ID found in step 1.

  • Replace <cloudpath> with the folder path of the cloud service provider.

  • Replace <folder> (with  the :/ in front of it).

Connect a network Secure Folder to CSP:

  1. Run the “atakama cloud list-accounts" command.

  2. Run the "atakama secfolder connect-to-cloud --vault-path <vfs_path> --cloud-account <accountID>" --cloud-path <cloudpath> command.

  • Replace <vfs_path> with vault path of the existing network Secure Folder.

  • replace <accountID> with the ID found in step 1.

  • [For OD]: --cloud-path "ns-id:/path/to/folder".

  • [For GD]: --cloud-path <account-id> -p /path/to/folder.

Disconnect cloud sync from a cloud Secure Folder:

  1. Run the"atakama secfolder disconnect-from-cloud --vault-path <vfs_path>" command.

  • Replace <vfs_path> with vault path of the cloud Secure Folder to be removed.

Remove a Secure Folder: 

  1. Run the "atakama secfolder remove --vault-path <vfs_path>" command.

  • Replace <vfs_path> with "/SF_Name".

 List files and folders (list within a specific folder, list recursively):

  1. Run the  "atakama cloud list-accounts" command to retrieve all existing cloud accounts.

1.1. OneDrive only: Run the "atakama cloud list-namespaces <AccountID>" command to retrieve the namespace id

  • Replace <AccountID> with the accountID found in step 1.

  1. Run the "atakama cloud ls <AccountID> -p <NameSpace>:/" command to retrieve the listing of all the folders and files inside the namespace .

  • Replace <AccountID> with the accountID found in step 1.

  • [For OneDrive] Replace <NameSpace> with namespace ID found in step 1.1.

  1. Run the  "atakama cloud ls <AccountID> -p <NameSpace>:/<folder>" command to retrieve the listing of all the folders and files inside the folder .

  • [For OneDrive]:  atakama cloud ls <account-id> -p "ns-id:/path/to/folder".

  • [For Google Drive]:  atakama cloud ls <account-id> -p /path/to/folder .

  • Replace <AccountID> with the accountID found in step 1.

  • Replace <NameSpace> with namespace ID found in step 1.1.

  1. Run the "atakama cloud ls <AccountID> -p <NameSpace>:/<folder> -r" command to retrieve a listing of all the folders (the contents of all sub-folders will be listed) and all the files inside the folder .

  • Replace <AccountID> with the accountID found in step 1.

  • Replace <NameSpace> with namespace ID found in step 1.1.

  • Replace <folder> with the name of the folder.


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