Replace a mobile device with another device

We recognize that all sorts of things happen to smartphones and tablets, including upgrading to new devices, so we've made it easy for you to regain access to your protected data with a new device.

Replacing a mobile device:

  1. Install the Atakama Mobile on your replacement device and tap the "Link to Computer" button. 
  2. Launch Atakama on your computer if it's not already running and open Control Center. Click the Atakama icon in your system tray, then click on the gear icon, and choose Control Center.
  3. With the Control Center screen open, select the Profile Editor tab.
  4. Click on the Devices section to expand it.
  5. Click the "Replace" button next to the device to be replaced. 
  6. Click the "Replace this device using other devices or trustees" button. 
  7. Enter the name of the device.
  8. Choose one of the available linking methods.
  9. On your new device "Scan QR Code" or "Enter Linking Code" depends of the method you chose in step 7.
  10. After you finish device linking you will see this window:
  11. Click the "Complete" button.
  12. Click the "Apply changes" button in the "Profile Editor" tab.
  13. On the existing device you will receive a request to approve "New Profile Change". Approve the request. 

Your replacement device has now been added to your Atakama profile and the old device is now removed.

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