Using Command Line Interface to join cloud shared folders, verify users, and activate locations

Known limitation:
Currently, to perform sharing operations for cloud 
Secure Folders, users must already be logged in to at least one cloud Secure Folder via the Atakama.

Joining a Cloud Secure Folder (Sharee): 


  1. To list all available cloud accounts execute the following command:

    atakama cloud list-accounts
  2. To list all available OneDrive namespaces execute the following command:

    atakama cloud list-namespaces <AccountID>

     Note: Replace <AccountID> with the accountID found in the previous step.

  3.  To list the folders and files inside the namespace execute the following command:

    atakama cloud ls <AccountID> -p <NameSpace>:/

  4. Optional. To list the folders and files inside the folder execute the following command:

    atakama cloud ls <account-id> -p "ns-id:/path/to/folder”
  5. Optional. To list all the folders (will list all contents within all sub-folders) and all the files inside the folder execute the following command:

    atakama cloud ls <AccountID> -p <NameSpace>:/<folder> -r
  6. To join the OneDrive Secure Folder execute the following command:

    atakama sf join-via-cloud --cloud-path [<namespace>:/<folder>] --cloud-account [cloud-account]  --vault-path [vfs] --backend-path [backend]


    atakama sf join-via-cloud --cloud-path ",669eba35-1da7-4ab8-9be7-8db788c35cf0,6b904aaf-1ec9-4195-a780-2d686746b355|b!NbqeZqcduEqb5423iMNc8K9KkGvJHpVBp4AtaGdGs1UgWo0woQvtRKlzIml3LX0Y:/New Folder18" --cloud-account YPw/nWHUqsyhocR2Mh88Mx75rFdecmP9dZ96GChDLbY= --vault-path /onedrive --backend-path "C:\Users\Tanya\Desktop\onedrive"

Google Drive:

  1. To list all available cloud accounts execute the following command:

    atakama cloud list-accounts
  2. To list the folders and files inside the cloud account execute the following command:

    atakama cloud ls <AccountID>
  3. Optional. To list the folders and files inside the folder execute the following command:

    atakama cloud ls <account-id> -p /path/to/folder
  4. Optional. To list all the folders (will list all contents within all sub-folders) and all the files inside the folder execute the following command:

    atakama cloud ls <AccountID> -r
  5. To join the GoogleDrive Secure Folder execute the following command:

    atakama sf join-via-cloud --cloud-path [cloud_folder_name] --cloud-account [cloud-account] --vault-path [vfs] --backend-path [backend]

atakama sf join-via-cloud --cloud-path ":/Atakama146" --cloud-account AK7h0z/rcgbLeUGXo68cORzXIpk15CGo5fofbsCs3ZU= --vault-path /googledrive --backend-path C:\Users\Tanya\Desktop\googledrive

Verifying a user (Sharer):

atakama contact list
atakama contact verify <words>

Granting Access (Sharer):

List groups to get the security group IDs.

atakama sg list

Grant access to the user.

atakama sg members <sg-id> add <profile-id>

Replace <Profile-id> with the user's profile id. 

Activating a shared Secure Folder (Sharee):

atakama sf activate <vault_path> --profile <profile id>

Replace <vault_path> with the frontend path that needs to be activated. 

Replace <profile id> with the ID of an administrator of the Secure Folder.

To check the status of a certain Secure Folder execute the following command:

atakama sf info <vault_path>

To check the status of all the available Secure Folders execute the following command:

atakama sf list

Execute the following command only if the Secure Folder was created on a version prior to Oystercatcher, but you're joining on a newer version, and no one else has done the upgrade flow.

atakama sf activate --pre-oystercatcher-verification VFS_PATH

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