To run the Intelligence Center using Docker, you will need Docker Compose and a MySQL Database.
- Open a terminal and clone this repository:
- Navigate to this directory: docker-compose/intelligence-center
- Run this command to generate a private key: docker run --rm -it atakamallc/atakama-srv-base logger keygen > privkey.pem
- In the file manager, open the docker-compose/intelligence-center/docker-compose.yml file.
- Adjust the relevant MySQL values to secure the authentication and/or connect to your server.
- Point the “source:” to the location of privkey.pem generated in step 3.
- In the terminal, run this command to start the Intelligence Center: docker-compose up
- Get the device id in the terminal.
- Get the device id in the terminal.
- Follow the steps in this link for the Admin setup guide.
- Follow the steps in this link for the end-user setup guide.
- To access the Intelligence Center, open a web browser and enter "localhost:8000" in the address bar.
Helm Charts
- Download the Windows or Linux version of the Intelligence Center here.
- Run the command to generate a private key:
- Windows: atakama-srv logger keygen --save
- Linux: chmod +777 atakama-srv-{version}-ubuntu1804 then
./atakama-srv-{version}-ubuntu1804 logger keygen –save
- Put the contents of the resulting privkey.pem in a Kubernetes secret.
- Use these helm charts:
- Adjust dashboardDbSecret to point to the name of the secret in step 3.
- Continue the rest of the setup for Windows and Linux.