Intelligence Center User Guide


The Intelligence Center helps administrators manage their Atakama deployment by providing a centralized view of Atakama within their environment. 

The Intelligence Center is comprised of a web-based dashboard and a dashboard server. The web dashboard provides a summary of the Atakama deployment (user profiles, Secure Folders, Security Groups), while the dashboard server logs events and statistics from Atakama users and stores the events in a local database that provides a status overview. The web dashboard utilizes the dashboard server's REST API to process user requests.


The Intelligence Center uses SQLite by default to store data. The SQLite database file is automatically created during installation, and is located at C:\Users\[username]\dash.db. 


As an alternative, you can use MySQL (which works with v5.x and 8.x) to host the Intelligence Center's database. 


To use MySQL: 

  1. Create a MySQL database. 

  1. Create a file named atakama_srv_config.yml in the directory %localappdata%\atakama. (Copy and paste the sample .yml code below). 

  1. Include the following under the "db:" field: 

db: “mysql:host=,port=3306,user=root,password=root,database=mydb,charset=utf8” 

  1. Set its content to match the params of your MySQL db. 

  1. After everything is configured, open CMD and run atakama-srv dashboard import init-db to initialize the db.   

  1. Start the Intelligence Center by typing atakama-srv start 

  1. Go to localhost:8000 to access the Intelligence Center. 


# Whether to write debug-level logs
verbose: false

# DB connection string
db: "sqlite:dash.db"

# Directory from and to which to read and write data logs
import_dir: "."

# Configuration for the Goblin
  # PEM-encoded private key to use for communication with CryptVFS
  privkey: null

  # If the above is not set: the path from which to read the private key
  privkey_path: null

  # Relay server instance to which to connect. Can also be controlled with
  # the ENV environment variable. Can use e.g. ENV=dev when running CryptVFS
  # from source.
  relay_server: "wss://"

  # If connection to the relay server drops, how long to try to reconnect.
  relay_server_reconnect_timeout: 127.5

  # Set to true if you're running in goblin mode and only want to write to
  # e.g. a syslog server.
  dashboard_disabled: false

  # How frequently, in seconds, to rotate the dashboard log files. Negative
  # value -> don't rotate based on time.
  dashboard_rotate_interval_seconds: 0

  # How frequently, in entries/lines written, to rotate the dashboard log
  # files. Negative value -> don't rotate based on lines.
  dashboard_rotate_interval_lines: 0

  # Traditional goblin mode: JSON output file.
  output_json_file: null

  # Traditional goblin mode: Log stash server to which to send logs.
  output_logstash_url: null

  # Traditional goblin mode: Syslog server to which to send logs.
  # Note: URL must be of the form udp://server-or-ip[:optional_port]
  output_rfc3164_syslog_url: null

# Configuration for the aggregator/importer.
  # How long to sleep before checking for new logs.
  import_delay: 5.0
  # How long to sleep between running aggregations.
  aggregate_delay: 10.0
  # When encountering a DB error, the aggregate_delay will temporarily increase.
  # Max value for it to increase to.
  max_backoff_delay: 300.0
  # How many events to aggregate in one batch.
  # Larger -> faster aggregation, but blocks the importer for longer.
  aggregate_tx_events: 10

  # Whether to initialize the DB on first run.
  # Off by default because it's potentially dangerous, especially if
  # multiple processes are running.
  init_db: false

  # The pattern to use when looking for newly-written data log files to import.
  log_match: "dashboard.*.log"

atakama_srv_config.yml file

Basic Commands

atakama-srv --full-helpShows all subcommands 
atakama-srv logger keygen --save Generates the private key 
atakama-srv logger keygen --save --privkey-path C:/some/path/atakama_srv_privkey.pemWrite the key out to the default location 
atakama-srv logger keygenShows the private key
atakama-srv logger get-id Shows the log server id/device id 
atakama-srv dashboard import init-dbInitialize the db 
Atakama-srv start Starts all the services 

The Dashboard

Once you have completed the installation, you can access the Intelligence Center by navigating to localhost:8000 in your web browser. The dashboard provides an overview of your enterprise and can be customized (learn how to create widgets here)

Here are some features within the Intelligence Center.  




To access the Profiles page, click on the "Profiles" option located in the left-hand pane of the Intelligence Center. Once on this page, you will be able to view all the profiles associated with your enterprise. 

There are two ways to view a specific profile: 

  1. Manually navigate to the corresponding page: To view a specific profile, simply locate it on the page and click on its name or profile ID. This will take you to the profile's individual page where you can view its details. 

  2. Use the search feature: Alternatively, you can search for a profile by typing its "Name" or "Profile ID" in the search bar located at the top of the page. This will quickly filter the profiles and show you the relevant search results. 

To view the details of a specific profile, simply click on the profile name or profile ID from the Profiles page. This will take you to a dedicated page that displays all the relevant details about the selected profile separated by these tabs: General, Verifications, and Configuration. 

Devices in Profile

In the general tab, you can view and manage various aspects of the profile, such as the Profile ID, the Last Update that indicates the last time the profile sent information to the server, and the Devices in Profile section that lists all the devices associated with the profile. 

Affiliation: P = Personal T = Trustee 

Member of Security Group

You can also view the Security Groups to which the profile belongs. Click on the Security Group name listed in the profile details, and you will be redirected to the details page of the selected Security Group, where you can view additional information about that specific Security Group. 

This feature allows you to navigate between profiles and their associated Security Groups, providing you with a comprehensive view of the profile's membership and access within different Security Groups.

Recent Profile Events 

Lastly, in the general tab is the Recent Profile Events section. This section provides a list of all the events that have occurred associated with the specific profile, allowing administrators to stay informed and updated on the profile's activity. 

Verified By

In the verifications tab, you can see details about who verified whom and who was verified by whom. This information helps keep track of the verification activities within the enterprise. 


This displays the local Atakama settings for a particular user. 

Security Groups

The Security Groups page provides a comprehensive list of all the Security Groups created within Atakam. From this page, you can view information about each Security Group, such as its members, who is requesting access, Secure Folders associated with the group, file breakdown, and recent events. 

Profiles List 

The Profiles List allows you to view all the profiles that are members of a particular Security Group. From this list, you can view information about each profile, including the Profile name, Profile ID, and the path where the Secure Folder is located. Additionally, you can click on each profile in the list to be redirected to their respective Profiles page. 

Profiles Requesting Access 

The Profiles Requesting Access allows you to view all the profiles that have requested access to a particular Security Group but have not been granted access yet. These profiles may have joined manually or via e-config and are waiting for administrators to approve their access. 

Secure Folder 

You can also view the Secure Folder(s) within the Security Group. By clicking on the Global ID of a particular Secure Folder, you will be redirected to its details page. 

Encrypted File Breakdown

The Encrypted File Breakdown provides you with a chart summarizing all encrypted files within a Security Group, along with their file types. 

Secure Folders Page

The Secure Folders page provides admins with detailed statistics about all the Secure Folders in their enterprise. Admins can retrieve information about each Secure Folder's location, including: 

  • whether it's on a local disk or a network drive 

  • which Security Group(s) have access to these locations 

  • whether the Secure Folder syncs to any cloud locations 

  • the total number of encrypted files within the Secure Folder 

  • recent events that have occurred within each Secure Folder 

Backend Path and Vault Path 

This section displays to the admin all the backend paths of each user, indicating where the Secure Folder is located within their computer as well as the location of the Atakam Vault. 

Security Group 

This indicates the Security Group to which the Secure Folder belongs. You can access the Security Group directly by clicking on it, which will redirect you to its details page. 

Atakama CloudSync™ 

This shows the details of the cloud location to which the Secure Folder is synchronized. 

Event Logs Page 

The Event Logs page exhibits a maximum of 200 recent events. You can inspect each event to view its specific details such as the time it occurred, the user who performed the action, the corresponding Secure Folder and Security Group, and other related information.

Submit Feedback 

If you encounter any issues while using Atakama, you can easily report them through the "Submit Feedback" button. You will be redirected to where you can report any issues or problems that you may encounter within Atakama. 

Dark Mode 

To switch to Dark Mode in the Intelligence Center, simply toggle the button located at the top right-hand corner of the screen. When this button is switched on, the page background and text colors will change to a dark theme, providing a better viewing experience in low-light conditions. Conversely, you can toggle the button off to switch back to the default Light Mode.

Intelligence Center Known Limitations

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