When onboarding via Command Line Interface (CLI) we suggest using a minimum of two available mobile devices. Depending on the configuration, onboarding via CLI with less than two mobile devices could be unsafe.
Begin by installing Atakama on the desktop, but do not launch the application after installation. Make sure the "Launch Atakama" checkbox is unchecked before clicking the "Finish" button.
Use the terminal or console to perform the following steps:
Execute the following command to add the first mobile device:
a. Example: atakama device add MyIOS1 --method qr
b. Scan the QR code using the Atakama Mobile app on the mobile device.
a. Example: atakama device add MyIOS1 --method url
b. Use the URL link in the Atakama Mobile app on the mobile device.
Repeat step 1 with the second mobile device.
Execute the following command to list the mobile devices that have been added:
- atakama device list
Execute the following command to create the user profile:
- atakama profile create --m <num required> --name <profile name> <desktop name> <device ids>
- Example: atakama profile create --m 2 --name MyName@Desktop33 Desktop33 MyiOS1 MyiOS2
Approve the MofNop on the first mobile device.
Go to the Task Manger and kill any Atakama processes that may be running, or execute the following command from the terminal:
- atakama --shutdown force
(This step is necessary to resolve a known issue that will be resolved in the next release.)
Launch Atakama.
The Atakama CLI command line supports --help for each action, and --full-help will return help for all supported commands.