Keyshard Server LAN Connection

The Atakama Keyshard Server (KSS) can be configured to use LAN connectivity in the event Internet connectivity is down. 

KSS LAN Connection Configuration Change

  1. On the KSS, open the Atakama.config file. This file is located in %homepath%. Add the following lines into the Atakama.config file.

    "wss_server_port": [Add any unused port here],
    "wss_server_custom_host": [Add the KSS IP address here],

    Note #1: Valid port numbers are 1024 to 65536
  2. Save the configuration file.
  3. Assuming the KSS is currently running, run the following command to disable it.

    atakama keyserver disable

  4. Shutdown Atakama.

    atakama --shutdown force

  5. Then run the following command to enable the updated configuration file.

    atakama keyserver enable

  6. On the endpoint, open the Atakama.config file. This file is located in %homepath%. Add the following lines into the Atakama.config file. 

    “wss_client_lan_enable”: true,

    “relay_server_enable”: false,

  7. Save the configuration file.

Once enabled, the KSS will include the port and IP address as part of the MofNop process. The KSS client will store this information and will switchover to using the LAN connection.

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